It is as if time just planned this one against you. Your house is normally squeaky clean and organized, but for some reason it is now in a sorry state. And right at that moment you receive a phone call that people are coming over in two minutes!
Now whether those are friends, business associates, the prospective buyer of your house, or your in-laws, one thing is for sure, if you do not do something in less than two minutes, then you can kiss goodbye to your good image.
But of course, for every emergency situation, there is an emergency protocol. Just keep in mind these easy to follow guidelines and discover what you can accomplish in merely two minutes time.
Plan Ahead
One way to have better chances of surviving such a predicament is to expect it to happen sooner or later. You can do this by always keeping cleaning materials in one place so you do not have to expire the whole two minutes just looking for them. You might also want to use paper plates instead of china wear to avoid a pile of dirty dishes.
Also, try to condition yourself not to panic when such situations really do come. You will need to think straight to make quick decisions and you cannot do that if you are panicking.
The Illusion Of Clean
OF course, doing a real clean up in only 2 minutes is absurd. So what you are really going to do here is to make an illusion of clean. Here is how to achieve that.
1. Smelling Good – If it smells nice, then it must be clean. So just wipe dirty surfaces with a damp cloth and spray air freshener or perfume. You can also hide halved lemons on corners.
2. Looking Good – If things are arrange properly, they can create the illusion of clean. It only takes a while to line up magazines, books, picture frames, DVD cases, and others.
3. Spot Treatment – You do not have to clean the entire place. Just go from one dirty spot to another and hand pick dirt to save time.
4. Cover Up – It is easy to hide a big pile of mess by keeping only the surface presentable. For example, you can stock up all your laundry in a basket and neatly place a towel or cloth on top.
5. Eliminate – when you failed to replace something like a curtain or the bouquet in a flower vase then just remove them and do not bother about making a replacement.
6. More Light – People usually associate light with cleanliness. So open those windows and let in some natural light. Just make sure the light will not reveal anything uglier.
Do Not Forget Yourself
All those running around the house while fixing things in a rush will definitely take its toll in your appearance. You may have successfully done a quick makeover to your house, but now you look like a mess. So just quickly change into clean clothes. White shirts have the effect of hiding imperfections, and do not forget the perfume and deodorant.
So there you go! With these quick home patch up guides, that mess will be gone in a matter of two minutes. Just keep in mind to do these procedures only when necessary. Try not to make a habit of doing them everyday.